
Get your Spin or Tailwheel Endorsement, learn to be a safer pilot or just see what it feels like to fly like the Red Baron.  Tampa Bay Aviation now has a Super Decathlon available for training.  The Super Decathlon is an ideal aircraft for aerobatic, spin and upset recovery training, CFI Spin endorsement and getting your tail-wheel endorsement.  Flying aerobatics develops stick and rudder skills and helps pilots avoid and react to emergency situations and unusual attitudes while Spin Training can be used to simulate real-world risks.  Imagine the adrenaline rush of your first loop, barrel roll or inverted flight.  Fly and train with our former Master CFI-Aerobatic, Tony Johnstone.  Lessons are just $399.00.  Each Lesson consists of 1 to 1.5 hours ground instruction and 45 minutes-1 hour in-flight instruction on the above.

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